I love Ice. He never fails to surprise me and brighten up my day. On top of that, I never get bored when I'm with him. I don't really know if I'm just biased but I really think that my son is smart. At 4, he is a good observer and he reasons out very well. He remembers everything you tell him so you cannot tell him something wrong or it will be used against you. Below are some amusing conversations with Ice that I can remember right now. It is just much cuter when you hear him say those in person.  

14/06/09 - While I was looking at photos:  

Mommy: I'm so ugly :(
Ice: Why? :( But I still love you Mommy...  

23/04/09 - While Ice was watching TV:  

Mommy: Don't lie down while watching TV Ice. 
Ice: But I'm sleepy Mommy. 
Mommy: I don't believe you, you just woke up. 
Ice: I don't believe you, I will lie down.  

24/11/09 - While Ice was playing with his pig toys:  

Ice: Giddiyap! Giddiyap! 
Mommy: Pigs don't giddiyap, only horses do. 
Ice: Remember mommy, horses don't talk? 
Mommy: Then who giddiyaps? 
Ice:Only the people. And kids.  

11/06/09- When I got home from work:  

Ice: Mommy! Mommy! I miss you!!  


Daddy: Ice stay here and I'll comb your hair. 
Ice: Why daddy, because I'm not perfect?  

02/07/09 - When Ice was brought to the hospital in an ambulance for suspected case of swine flu:  

Mommy: What was the ambulance like? (Ice was with Ronald btw) 
Ice: Umm, it has something inside that you can lie on when you're dead. (The stretcher I suppose)  


Ice: Mommy, what's next after Monday? 
Mommy: Tuesday. 
Ice: What's next after Tuesday? 
Mommy: Wednesday. 
Ice: What's next after Wednesday? 
Mommy: I don't know. 
Ice: Mommy, don't you need to go to school to learn that? Don't you Mommy?  


Ice: *talks* *talks* *talks* 
Tita Lolit: Ice... stop talking... 
Ice: I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to myself!  

14/10/09 - When Ronald crowded into Ice in bed:

Ice: Daddy move!!! 
Ronald: Move where?!! 
Ice: Move to a new house!!!  


Ice to Mommy: Arrghh! I don't like you!!! 
Mommy to Ice: Arrghh! I don't like you too!!! 
Ice: Mommy... are you just kidding?  

28/10/09 - a day after scolding Ice:

Ice: Mommy, are you still happy with me?
Mommy: Of course, why? *concerned face* 
Ice: Because I want you to be always happy.. But sometimes you're angry at me :'(  

02/11/09 - When Tita Yayet gave Ice a water pillow :  

Ice: Tita Yayet, why is this so heavy? You know how small I am right?  

13/11/09 - After the Parent-Teacher Meeting:  

Mommy: Ice, the auntie said you eat so slow. 
(The auntie is the one who cooks the food at school) 
Ice: That's not true!!! I don't want to see that auntie ever again!!! 

17/11/09 - Also after the Parent-Teacher Meeting:  

Daddy: Ice, teacher said you have to improve your Chinese. 

Ice: Chumpi chumpop! *pretending to speak Chinese* 
Daddy: What does that mean? 
Ice: I don't know, because I never speak Chinese.  

In November:

Ice to Tita Lolit: I have an idea, I will sleep for 5 minutes. 
(He only got up the morning after).  

In November - To wake Jacq up:  

Ice: I love you Tita Jacq!!!  

In October - While Ice was practicing his phonics at home:  

Ice: Wo- Wo-Wowit.. Wowit starts with W.
(He was referring to Tita Lolit's name)  

Tita Lolit: Spell panty. 
Ice: P-N-T

In November - While Ronald and I were fighting aloud:

Ice: Ssshhh! I can't hear my show!! (He's watching his cartoons)

In October - While having coffee at Coffee Bean Ronald excused himself to have a cigarette:

Ice: I wish daddy stops smoking. He doesn't know it's bad for him. *with a very serious frown*

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