Mommy : Ice, did you finish your food at school? (He refuses to eat what they serve at school so he brought some oreos)
Ice : Yes. My classmate want some.
Mommy: So did you share?
Ice : No.
Mommy : Why not?
Ice : Teacher said eat first then share.
Mommy : Oh, ok..
-Following day:
Mommy : Ice, did you finish your food at school?
Ice : Yes.
Mommy : Did your classmates ask from you?
Ice : Yes
Mommy : Did you share this time?
Ice : No. Because teacher said don't share.
Mommy : No, teacher said eat first and then share.
Ice : Yes.. But then it's no more.
-While taking a bath with Ice:
Ice: Uh oh.. mommy, something's missing.. where's your birdie?
-At a friend's wedding party, Ice was playing with a newfound friend, Marcie, who was just turning two at that time:
Mommy ; So, what's the name of your friend?
Ice : I don't know
Mommy : Why didn't you ask her?
Ice : Because she don't know how to talk.
-At the same party:
Ice : Mommy she said yes! (with a gleeful smile)
Mommy : Huh? What did you ask her?
Ice : I ask her if I can take her home with me. =)
-Before going out:
Mommy : Ice, hurry, we need to dress up now, we're going out.
Ice : Mommy why do we need to dress up? So that people will not see us like this?
(Made me realize how pretentious we all are.)
-Last year, when Ice was still in pre-nursery:
Mommy : Do you know the names of your classmates?
Ice : Yes (then gave me a Chinese girl's name).. I kissed her (in a sad tone)
Mommy : Ha? What did she say?
Ice : She said no (with a sad face)
Mommy : What about Sarah (that's the only name I remembered)? Did you kiss her too?
Ice : Yes (still in his sad tone).
Mommy : Why did you kiss her?
Ice : Because she's my favorite (still in his sad tone).
-When I was joking that I have a baby inside my tummy:
Ice: Mommy how does baby go inside the tummy?
Mommy : Hmm.. we'll ask daddy later.
Ice : You put it inside the mouth and will go down to the tummy? Like that?
-While putting Ice to sleep:
Ice : Mommy I don't want to sleep because sleep means close your eyes. I don't want to close my eyes because I can't see anything. I just want to rest.
(After a few minutes he was already asleep)
-Ice and I have this game of impersonating each other. I would act as Ice and he would act as Mommy. Meanwhile, I am working on shift so there are times when I am asleep at daytime instead of playing with him as he would prefer:
Mommy (as Ice) : Mommy I want toys! I want toys now!
Ice (as Mommy) : Remember you have many toys?
Mommy ; Mommy I want to play outside now!
Ice : Maybe later..
Mommy : I want now! I want now!
Ice : I'm going to sleep (walked to the room and pretended to be asleep).
(Fine, my son sees me as someone who does nothing but sleep).
Ice (to Mommy) : You're my best friend in the whole world! (with a very big hug)
While playing with Ice after my night shift:
Mommy : I need some rest or else I'll get sick.
Ice : Sick? Like me?
Mommy : Yes...
Ice : Then who's gonna take care of me? (with a sad face)
(And so he agreed for me to sleep.)