Reasons why I am here:

1. Despite my innate dissentment of going with the flow, I find myself inspired to create my own blog after reading several blogs of acquaintances;

2. I have a lot of time to waste;

3. I am bored;

4. I aim to diffuse my boredom to those who are also bored enough to at least scan what I have to write.


It is a contradiction to be posting my journal online since I am a very private person. A friend once commented that one will never know what's on my mind unless one gets to know me really really well.. which, according to her, is very difficult. Not that I am intentionally trying to be out of reach. I don't know, this is just the way I am. Aloof maybe. But here I am.. exposed.

The challenges though:

1. I am not quite sure if I will have anything interesting to write about considering my very mundane life (how's this: I spend the whole day at home.. alone);

2. I have underdeveloped writing skills;

3. I have the propensity to procrastinate;
4. I still have a lot to figure out with this blog thing.
So basically, this is it for now. Wish me luck!
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